Thursday, July 17, 2014

Making lunch out of nothing

I'm generally good about packing lunches the night before. Mornings are not my forte. I can make a world of excuses for just about anything in the morning. That's probably why I end up panicked most mornings when I realize I've hit snooze 12 times.  A real common excuse is: There is nothing to pack for lunch. That's the very lazy person inside of me talking! Sometimes I have to force myself to make a lot of lunches out of "nothing." Here are some examples from recent groggy mornings.

1. The no lettuce salad is a great way to use up random bits of vegetables. Example: 1/2 a cucumber, 1 yellow pepper, 2 roma tomatoes, 1/3 can of chick peas, some dill salad dressing mix and a drizzle of olive oil.  Who says you need lettuce to make a salad?

2. The laziest lunch was a container of Greek yogurt, some trail mix, and  a couple pieces of fruit.

3. Wait, this might be even lazier. I packed an unopened bag of baby carrots, the entire container of hummus, and a container of Greek yogurt. I was too lazy to take the hummus out of my lunch box, so I ended up eating way too many baby carrots and some yogurt.

Here are a few pictures of packed lunches that aren't complicated, but do represent my more usual lunch routine.

Brie, crackers, plum, blueberries, yogurt, nuts. 

Chicken and rice, green beans, cherries. 

 Strawberries, brie, fig jam, crackers.

 Blueberries, pineapple, brie, fig jam, crackers, yogurt, nuts.

I guess in the end, my goal is to limit buying special lunch foods. I keep bread in the fridge for the emergency PB&J, but I don't buy stuff to make sandwiches every day. I try to find ways to integrate leftovers as much as possible. Buying brie cheese and crackers was a bit of a splurge for easy, fun lunches during this stent of no grocery shopping. I suppose it just depends what's going on in my week. I've really enjoyed getting creative with containers. More on that for another post!

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