It's just about time to revamp this blog. Who knows, I might even do that .com thing sooner or later. Blogspot is my friend for now. I have all kinds of ideas, but haven't quite figured out how to "go public" as it were. It's hard to figure out exactly how to sell your blog, but given that I'm a dietitian who likes to eat normal food I figure food should be a big part of the blog. Seems like mom's have the market on blogs with meal ideas and deal ideas. I'm not a mom. Most of my friends aren't moms. We like to save money too, but wading through all the diaper deals gets old. Given that I'm currently a grad student AND I like to travel as often as possible I have figured out a bunch of ways to save money here and there. I'll give you tips on that too. I'm not a personal finance guru, so I won't dwell on personal finance. I will point you to personal finance blogs that I follow. Here's what you can expect in the not so distant future:
1. frequent posts!
2. weekly menu ideas that will score you 5 fruits and vegetables a day and won't break your budget.
3. fun recipes that I've tried and think you will actually like
4. food product reviews. you stuff, low fat stuff, low sodium stuff
5. loyalty program reviews.
6. occasional rants about grad school
7. adventures in traveling
8. oh, and I'm training for a mini-marathon, so you'll get those up-dates too.
I think eight things is enough to expect for now. Get excited!
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