Tuesday, July 14, 2009

How much does the tomato cost?

I've been kind of amused watching my one little tomato grow in my red neck hanging planter thing. I figure it's about a $15 tomato. Here is is...cute little lonely tomato.
From Summer2009

But look! It's not going to be a lonely tomato for long! There are a few more little flowers.

From Summer2009

So maybe I will have a total of 4 tomatoes! That would mean they are less than $4 a piece. Crazy. There better be some more tomatoes by the end of the summer or I'm going to be really bummed.

I'm trying to pack for my trip and it's difficult. I really hate to check a bag. Eight days of unpredictable weather makes it tough though. Right now I have to consider the 10 day forecast calls for rain every day, we'll be on ice half the time doing whacky crazy stuff and who knows if I'll need to dress up ever. Polar fleece and jeans and hiking boots takes up way more room than sun dresses and flip flops. Humpf. I'm still going to be stubbern and try to make it fit in my carry on bag. I'll take my favorite hydration pack for extra little things. Maybe I'll treat myself to a new hydration bladder thingy. Not sure if I'll need it, but it might be nice. Sounds like a trip to Hodson's Bay!

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